Anna Dmitruck
2 min readNov 1, 2020

The Graph has a great variety of advantages that users have already appreciated. The protocol for search queries to IPFS, Etherum should be chosen to simplify work with data. Consequently, among its advantages are the following:


It’s one of the basic benefits of the protocol. The graphical web decentralizes the request layer and Web3 API, eliminating the dApp creators’ problem of building productive or decentralized applications. Experts can run a graphical node on its infrastructure, or build on a hosting service. Developers program subgraphs that detail how to receive and index information from Web3 sources. So, there are a considerable amount of Ethereum’s leading projects: DAOstack, ENS, Moloch, Synthetix, Uniswap that have already built subgraphs. On the Graph network, an indexer can stake the Graph tokens to take part in the network and earn inflationary and commissions rewards for working with search requests.


It is the greatest strength of blockchain technology which represents the security of data exchange workflow in trusted networks and reduces single point of failure, providing “zero downtime” across a transparent and immutable platform.

Fast data processing is one more dignity of The Graph which performs calculations on data while maintaining privacy and using an optimized version of secure multi-party computation.

Variety of Possibilities

The team, working with the protocol, aims to improve the Ethereum system. With the aid of The Graph, the team of the programmers is changing the parameters of Ethereum, making the ecosystem available to developers and users all over the world. The streamlined implementation of the server wallet becomes open and accessible to all users. This undoubtedly leads to progress in organizing quick access to information.

Thus, this article examined the key advantages of the Graph, the decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data, which is able to provide quick access to reliable sources of information around the world, combining and organizing it.

This material is based on the article given below:


You can find more information about The Graph project on the official website, as well as on social networks:
Official website: https://thegraph.com/
Blog: https://thegraph.com/blog/
Discord: https://discord.gg/b9xQkfET
Telegram: https://t.me/graphprotocol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/graphprotocol

